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FS2004 - ATC Simulator 2 (reseed)
Games > PC
74.46 MB

+3 / -0 (+3)

Mar 17, 2006

***************************Long Live the TPB FSCommunity***************************

Heres the Req. ATC Simulator 2 (reseed)			
	ATC Simulator 2 (Installer)
	Manual (.pdf)
         Reg. Fix

	authentic performance evaluation and career assignments
	optional voice recognition system further enhances simulation reality
	true-to-life depiction of all fight and equipment parameters
	alternatively operate the ultramodern digital STARS-ATC equipment
	and Much more......
	The ATCsimulator2 operates fully independent of any further products but
	 can be used together with Mircosoft Flightsimulator 	


Havent played around with it yet.

Personal Rating: n/a

Thx to Popart for the orig. release of this :) (I belive it was him)
Request: Any serials you may have for Abacus, JustFlight or any others you may
	  have. Ive got many Installers that im just missing serials for them to 
	  Install/work properly. By shareing them you will be helping the 
	  FsCommunity Greatly. (credit will be givin)
   ****	Since Ive givin out some serials to other Users and they dont find it 
	 necessary to hold up thier side of the deal and upload thier installers
	 I am no longer going to offer my serials !!! I will soon post these users
	 names !!!!  ****

	Here are the users names that got serials from me, but didnt think they
	 should upload their installers for everyone:


Fly High, Land Safe

******************************* Seeding is like Sex *******************************
******************** You wouldnt stop then before you "seeded" ********************
************************ So dont Stop here before you seed ************************

Join Flight_Levels FS9 server @
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Remember to bring Fun and politeness with you :)



Im looking for any JustFlight Serials ! Ive got a ton of thier installers just no serials :(
Nice Mogz, been waiting for someone to upload this great addon, By the way

The new EagleSoft Liberty Aerospace XL2 is crackable with the latest Cracker That PopArt gave when he released Ground Enviornment, so go and get it! :))
Thanks, Mogz! Been looking for this for ages!
Hey there Mogz. Great uploade, but it does not WORK ARGGGHHHHHHHH. I have tried following the setup description, but it is a complete no go. Pleas, if there are someone out there whom might have a working version then I would be very gratefull
Thz Mogz, our ATC have been needing something like this for a while. This ought to be awesome.
Thanks can somebody upload the captainsim c130 please?
Thanks Mogz! Request: ATCSDK (Sector Design Kit) for ATC Simulator 2
Hey Mogz__ I have all the latest unpacked FSD installers__ which all require serials also, if your interested.

;) T.W.
@ barp and any one whos having probs

You must unrar the 16 .rars separtly they are not a multirar. then unrar mknatcsm to be able to install.

this does work i just installed myself.
@todd no thanks ive got all of FSD aircraft except the new O-2. Which we need a new keygen for it :(

Thx anyway
p.s i dont have the T-38 either but no keygen for it yet either (what i know of)
correction i do have the t-38. LOL :D
I need to slow down in my old age. LOL the instructions should be to andersand and not barp :)
Okay, what did I mess up on. I managed to get it installed, but it keeps giving me a "please insert cd" comment when I try to run it.
Nevermind, managed to figure it out.

"*NOTE* the first time you run the game, it will ask for the CD, hit
Cancel, load the game up again and it'll never ask again."

this from the NFO
Thanks's Man for Uploadin this i love ya

requesting fs real time
Mogz, I got it figured out. I've never run into an NFO file before so I didn't know what to do with it. When I went to open it, it just came up with the windows info. Once I figured out how to open that, I realized what I had done wrong.
Hey, Thanks Mogz! Anyone have BEV Spring? The Flight1 unwrapper, does not work with it.

Also, Ultimate Terrain Europe has been released!!!
It is good job!!

request: samsoft taiwan today 2005
korea seoul today
Aerosoft Seahawk & Boxer
(if it is the original installer and serial is better)!0,4193131660,FS03223
@wilson now your being real picky. how about youll take a .rip if not. your problem
Installs with no problem but when it comes to running the program I get various errors.

The first one is

Run-time error "76";
Path not found: C:Program FilesATCSimulator2Graphicsscp1024b.bmp

The rest of them are similar but dont have any "path not found" parts. Just says runtime error and closes the program.
I am running on windows 2000
"@wilson now your being real picky. how about youll take a .rip if not. your problem"

ok if is ripped, it is no problem!!
anyone try any loaders on the new UTE?
@george I dont know what to tell you. Ive played it +45min and no errors. Try to reinstall.
Any one else having problems?
I have re-installed many times, I got a message off the offical ATC2 forums and the admin said that its a result of removing the cd straight after installation, since I pirated this and there is no cd, how will I fix this?
Also how am I meant to install it.
I have done the following method but I don't think it is correct:

Unzip all of it to one folder and run the setup.
Aren't I meant to load one of those cracks or that NFO. File at the same time?
REQ: Ultimate Terrain Europe!
did you run the setup.bat after you installed? It is found in the install .dir. (ex. c:program fileATCsimulator2)
i ment ex. c:program filesATCsimulator2 or where you installed it.
Yeah, thanks it works now,
but yet another problem!

When I start the simulation, I can do all the things fine but I can't hear the planes talking to me?
Any help?
I think Its something to do wit hte Text to speech system (It said it had errors) So what do I need to do?

Sorry that I keep asking all the time aswell :)
Try reading the manual
Where can I find the downloads for all the LAGO products.
Request PMDG 747-400F
lol the requests for the PMDG 747F are going to be coming in thick and fast now :P

Request: PMDG 747F... couldnt resist :P
This wont load right into bitlord. i get an error message box without anything written when i try to load it.
hello!!can anyone help me out how to make this work??
Whats ur guys probs with this?
Please no hyperlinks !!! we are only drawing attention to ourselves. keep them as WWW. no more http:// . Thx
I read the manual, got the 40mb Microsoft speech recognition SDK, installed it, done all of that stuff it asked me to do, and I still get these stupid runtime errors!!!!!!

REQ: Sim-Wings GIRONA 2005 scenery.
@george to hear the aircraft you must click on the aircrafts callsign. then they will speak to you.
can u guys tell me how to install the atcsim 2??
read the NFO and my Instructions on page 1 of this thread....

Unzip all the zip files into the same Library. Thereafter you unrar ALL the .rar files seperately. One at the time, and you can then install. The NFO file is not very good explaining
by the way Mogz. THX for your help and the uploade.

Now, :) do you think that there is a chance for some help on Ultimate Traffic Europe and PMDG 747-400F.

You are the man :):):)
@andersand thats wrong !! extract all files recieved separtly then you can just extract 1 of the new files (multipart .rar) to get the files needed to install.
wow, that is not how i did it though. I unziped all xip files, and thereafter each .rar file without library.

Hmmm, maybe I am mistaken here if so, i apologize
Actually you are right, and I AM Wrong. Disregard my previous post
Hey, anyone got the dreamfleet piper archer? it was first made for FS2002 but i'd like to check it out :-) i tried the cracker but it don't work duh! maybe someone can upload it, thanks!
When i UnRAR my files it come up with an error saying that i have to put or find a file in the Directory

C:Program FilesBitCometDownloadsFs2004 - 2004-04-07 Atc Simulator 2 (C) Aerosoft-Mknmknatc01mknatcsm.r00

Please can you help me on how o sort this problem out

how to open your NFO???
PMDG 747-400F, can someone please crack this?

Many thanks :)
open the NFO (its not mine) with the editor. Right click-open with... Editor/Word Pad

@Carter refer to my comments earlier in this thread...page1 i belive its located
Here it is again:

@any one whos having probs

You must unrar the 16 .rars separtly they are not a multipart rar. then unrar mknatcsm to be able to install.

this does work i just installed myself.


Can anyone crack the PMDG 747-400F? I have been waiting for a long time for that one and I really want it. :)
I somehow downloaded a RAR thats apparently the 747F, but i'm at uni right now so when i get home i'll have a look, no promises
There's a RAR of the PMDG 747F at

Odd though, cause it says it is an "Exclusive PirateBay download" ah well Goo luck!

well i cant get it to work but i can still upload it if you want
scrap that got it to install
I'm getting black gauges, this sucks

someone help

i get the black gauages as well :(
Ok i've got it working havent really tested but the gauges dont black out

I'll create a new torrent with instructions and stuff
Instructions are up @

Its My first Seed So I hope it works out ok
Awesome thannks

i con't install it
when i hit "VALIDATE"
it tell me i con't validated and close my install window immadiately!!

who can tell me how to do?
@ Wilsonwong: Check the link of Sataris, he have maked an other crack for the PMDG 747-400F and thats working fine :D , Many thanks to you Sataris!!!!
Any chance to the London Control and LCvoice?

ANother THANK YOU! to Sataris phenomenal wourk, and ingenious solution.
Request IRIS F-14
Out of interest, when you do a search for FS2004 here what is the very first torrent that appears?, is it ATC Simulator 2?

i ask because i have a feeling i'm not seeing the entire FS2004 list
When i install PMDG747 -400F
it hit the "unvalidated"message ok
it close my install immadiatey!!

who have this problem and how to do it ?
if i don't hit Validation" and directly to use bypass
would it disappear the guage?

if it is possible. who can upload a new one which is not this problem
please only hyper links to TPB not to add-on sites !!!

You don't actually click "Validate" you just open the Key Enabler, and "Next" should be clickable
i have download Sataris new crack using and tried it, may be i doing wrong way .
altrought i can install it ,still disppear the guage

thank for reply, i have done it and the guage disppear, may be i doing a wrong way

Go into your PAX 744 aircraft.cfg, then take the line of text from there, and place it in the Cargo 744 aircraft.cfg

hope that helps
Please Share the B-747-400F Freighter....

There are 1-2 versions in e-mule,but there aren`t much seeders and it stops at 42.7% so please give it here!
Thank you!
thank you first
i try your ways but still gauge disappear
any other ways?
@ Wilsonwong

did you use the Reg Fix?

you need to copy and paste the code into their as well
my problem is solved
thank you Sataris alot
thank you seedpleaz alot
Requesting Ps Panels 737NG!
Great work guys! Works like a charm, the VC is a slideshow though, ah well

Does anyone know why when I search for FS2004 I get ATC Sim 2 instead of the latest torrent? It's kinda annoying


its a TPB problem, just use the browse torrents link at the top to see the latest torrents
requesting 747F pmdg, tnx
Please no hyperlinks for the 100th time

also for the 100th time pmdg 747 cargo is already been up´d !!
Thanx Man. Ive Been waiting for this for like 3 months lol.
Heey, Request PMDG 747F, is somebody bussy with it? ) tnx
Sorry, I did not read you message Sataris... ;) sorry, tnx
I have put the PMDG 747F Cargo crack stuff on here but removed it because 2 shitheads didnt approve of me buying it and placing it on here. Now i have got the A400M, and wondering if it is worth sharing... what do you guys thing. Do u deserve it and i wont get nasty little comments?
fs-x - is your 747 the update one? it would be real nice if u can share it here, thanks. :-)
Seed please....
Thx :)
Does ne1 have the update for ATC Simulator 2?
Gooood....My frend....Thanks...
Had same problem as @George. Realized eventually that the installer didn't make all the subfolders it needed. I created one called "graphics" and dumped the files in there. But there are other subfolders needed. I think thats why I still get the need CD bit.
hey guyz i have problems while starting the ATCSimulator.exe It says CD required. I tried downloadin the ATCSiulator install help but it just doesnt have enough seeds. pleeeeeeeeease help me thx
everytime i try and load the game it says "run-time error '429': ActiveX compnent can't create object"

can anyone help me?
seed plz!!!
plz seeds
Please seed!! I viewed the demo video at and its a nice program. If it really does work with FS2004 Multiplayer, then this would be better than using Manual Service Pack 3 and ATC Radar Screen v5 & future release v6. I have 2 years vATC Experience and 6 years vPilot Experience. Been with 6 Virtual Airlines/Virtual Militarys, United VA, Frontier VA, Livewire Airlines, Pacific West Airways, KLM VA and Virtual Defense Department. If your a serious pilot using FS2004 or ATCs in the FS Community or around at different VAs, Then this software would be for you but mainly for the ATC Controllers. Please seed
alright, i looked at the site again and it supports FS2004 Multiplayer. Everyone that downloads this please seed!! I will be seeding 24/7 or until this thing gets more seeders. I use Azureus and it says i have 2 Hours 33 Mins remaining @ 8 kbs. I run a 256kbs Cable line and i know there are people around here that have either a more powerful connection or is a Aviation Enthusiast like me.

*sorry for any mis-spelled words.. its currently 12:47 am and i ended up working all night*
Demo Video Here

15 minute video

25 Megabytes according for Mozilla FireFox Browser
3 total seeders now,, my download is going at 45 kbps now. :D
just when i type about my speed.. it goes shooting down.. :( .. 8 kbps is not bad.. only its the speed that i started with.. but as long as this works.. its worth it
Alright i give up.. seed if you want... i'm going to bed for 3 Hours.. hopefully it will be done by then,, if not.. i will just spend the $80 for this software and i wont like it even though i want it.. lol.. j/k.. i will be keeping this damn thing running till its done
Download finished.. total time 1 Hour 40 Minutes.. gonna try and install it
Set up was fine... trying to boot the game was not successful.. if anyone has a working copy of this.. please send me an email to
Please seed...
Hi I just downloaded this and I have everything done correctly, but when I double click the executable to run the game I see the Loading the CD Rom screen for less than a second and it disappears. I don't even have a chance to click cancel and this happens every single time I try to start the game. Is there something that I missed or did wrong. It would be excellent if you could let me know. Thanks
This version is stuck in 2004. Has anyone ever found any of the updates for this? It really is a nice game.

Thanks in Advance for any help!

how about all you pricks buying a legitimate copy of this man's work or spend some time in jail for copyright violations? You people are truly scum.
can someone help me with the installation i use winrar and it says theres a file before the one i try to unrar and i unzipped every folder and unrared every file but it wont let me install if somebody can hel it would be nice or send it to my email at thnx
I finally got rid of that error 429...

Look on the "CD" or inside "ISO" file and open "atcs2.html" It will tell you WHAT to install FIRST (before you install ATCSim). Enjoy.
For best results use MagicISO or UltraISO to extract contents, not WinRAR. Or just burn the image to a CDRom with NeroBurningROM. Or you can use WinMount (I use this so I won't have to extract reads .ISOs)

I tried ALL of these methods and it works 100%
Run time error '380'
Invalid property value


Can someone give me some sort of step-by-step instruction for installing this shit? I haven't gotten a clue where to start.
Works like a charm! Thank you very much Mogz! :) Step-for-step instructions included in the torrent. If you use 7-Zip, simply select all ZIP files, right click and choose "Extract Here". Then, extract the extracted RAR file. Now follow the rest of the easy instructions included.
Can anybody upload ATC-SDK? This is the Sector Desing Kit wich is only available in the professional version.
SEED!!!! SEED!!!
can some one help me i got a error by the soundchk
What can i do, The error is

Run-time error '-2147417848(20010108)':
automation error
The obkject invoked has disconnected from its clients.

I run windows 7 64x